
Formal requirements for short-time working

The employment office requires comprehensive information for the first month’s payroll in the event of short-time working. Moore Zurich-Glattbrugg has the overview for you.
As a dedicated entrepreneur, it is important to check the formal requirements for applications for short-time working and to keep the required information ready at hand for when it is needed. Moore Zurich-Glattbrugg has the overview.

To date, the various administrative bodies have required the documents listed below for the first month’s payroll in the event of short-time working.

It makes sense to compile this information for two reasons: to be able to submit it promptly if necessary and to avoid having to make repayments in the event of a subsequent audit:

  • List of overtime and minus hours worked and settled for individual employees in the previous six months
  • Information about company holidays
  • Details of the working-time calendar, if available
  • Are the employment contracts linked to a collective agreement (GAV)? If so, which one?
  • List of all public holidays per year including details about the end of work before a public holiday
  • On which days do the part-time employees work and for how many hours per day? Are the working times fixed or variable?
  • If the company operates under flexitime regulations, attach a copy of these regulations
  • List of all employees including the following information: surname, first name, date of birth, holiday entitlement, gross salary and details of any salary components such as 13th month’s salary, gratuities, bonus payments, commissions
