
On 1 April 2019, the revised Working Time Regulation comes into force

Ab 1.4.19 - revidierte Arbeitszeitverordnung tritt in Kraft

These changes were drafted at the request of the social partners concerned.


In cooperation with the social partners, the Federal Council has drafted two amendments to the Labour Code:

  • It is now possible for personnel with information and communication technology tasks to work at night and on Sundays without special approval. However, any night and/or Sunday work must be of an essential nature for the rectification of faults or the maintenance of the network or IT structure.
  • In the case of hospitality businesses, a working week can now be extended to seven days. In addition, the weekly free half-day can be scheduled differently; in order to take better account of the specific needs of the hospitality industry, it must now start no later than 2:30 pm instead of 2:00 pm.

(Source: SECO)
